• Family Leave And You: Know Your Rights

    Virtually every employee is going to need some time off because of family issues, such as childbirth, a severe illness or injury, or caring for a family member with a serious health problem, at some point or another. When these types of life events occur, you should not have to worry about dealing with negative consequences in the workplace just because you need some time off. This article takes a closer look at the legal aspects of family leave and employment. [Read More]

  • How To Have A Shipment Ready To Pass Customs

    The custom process can jam up many types of shipments, especially if you don't handle a few key aspects of it properly. If you're trying to improve the process for your shipments, you can do these five things. Know the Laws Moving items through customs is fundamentally a legal process. Most of the time, it's a basic check, but you should always prepare for more advanced inquiries. Shipping authorities will want to see declarations for the contents, and they'll want to know the history of the shipment. [Read More]